Multipower Mentallica 2-Bay硬碟外接盒


  1. 有FireWire介面。
  2. 可以支援3TB容量的單顆硬碟。
  3. 不使用RAID,接上電腦後兩顆硬碟分別獨立運作。有人稱此模式為Single模式Normal或Standard,硬碟外接盒製造廠inXtronMultipower的網頁稱之為&non-RAID"。本來我以為這就是JBOD模式,後來發現JBOD的定義不只一種。我要的是的第一種說法"all disks being independently addressed, with no collective properties – each physical disk, with all the logical partitions each may contain, being mapped to a different logical volume: just a bunch of disks",而不是第二種說法"concatenation, where all the physical disks are concatenated and presented as a single disk"。(以下稱此模式為"non-RAID"模式。)
